Pre Submission Questionnaire

Bottesford Neighbourhood Plan

Bottesford Neighbourhood Plan - Pre Submission Document

We are pleased to announce that the Draft Neighbourhood Plan is now finalised and almost ready for submission to Melton Borough Council. However we are legally required to undertake a minimum 6 week consultation period and we are asking everyone who lives or works in the Parish to have their say on the Plan. We are also asking statutory bodies (like Melton Borough Council, the Environment Agency and Leicestershire County Council amongst many others) to comment on the Plan.

The Draft Plan is a very detailed 130 page evidentially based document (as required under the Localism Act 2011) and can be viewed on the web site here

Pre-Submission Draft Bottesford Parish Neighbourhood Plan 2020-2036

The Draft Plan sets out policy framework across 19 policies that must be taken into account by Melton Borough Council when deciding planning applications in the Parish. These policies will help shape the future of the village and we have summarised them in the questionnaire overleaf.

We would like you to tick 1 of the boxes for each policy and add comments, if you feel it is necessary.

We would also encourage you to read through the AECOM Design Code (see the Supporting documents tab) which provides more detail about how new development should be designed.

The feedback we receive will be analysed and summarised and may be used to alter those policies before submission to the Melton Borough Council. All responses will be considered and relevant issues or objections addressed.

The consultation period is from 30th July and has been extended until 19th October.. Please complete the on-line questionnaire here

Consultation period has now ended. Thank you.