
Since 2015 the Parish Council have consulted with local people, commissioned studies and sought expert advise to produce a Neighbourhood Plan that sets out a framework for how we want Bottesford Parish to grow up to 2036. This has not been easy and the development pressure in our village is evident.

The Neighbourhood Plan provides local policies that will bring forward sustainable development by

  1. promoting a constructive dialogue with developers before a planning application is submitted,
  2. providing design policies that ensure development reflects the distinctive historic and rural character of the Parish and reinforces it, 
  3. protecting the landscape character of the area including the views into and out of Bottesford and the Significant Green Gaps within and around the settlements, 
  4. ensuring new development meets the housing and employment needs of the area,
  5. ensuring new development minimises its carbon footprint,
  6. ensuring water is managed to create a biodiversity gain and to reduce the risk of flooding,
  7. seeking a net biodiversity gain over the Plan period and 
  8. seeking opportunities to maximise the benefit of development where it can also reinforce the positive aspects of the Parish.

For more information on how the Neighbourhood Plan has been prepared please see the Neighbourhood Plan tab.

We now need you to tell us what you think. The consultation period runs from 30th July and has been extended until 19th October.

The consultation period has now ended - results are to follow.

Where are we now?

Melton Borough Council will organise a 6 week publicity period and then an independent examination of the Neighbourhood Plan. Once the Plan has passed examination Melton Borough Council will organise a referendum on the Plan which we hope will be the same time as the local elections in May 2021. In the referendum everyone living or working in the Parish will be able to vote on whether they want the Neighbourhood Plan to become part of Melton Borough Council's Development Plan. We will advertise these key stages and let you know when the referendum date is confirmed.